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Inductionism: What’s the Plan?

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Where are we headed? Today I want to show a brief outline of the philosophic system I advocate, which I call Inductionism.

My philosophy has three main normative principles:

1) Seek your own life by gaining knowledge.

2) Gain knowledge by inductive reason.

3) Base your faith on facts.

A Better Prayer Life

I don’t feel like praying. I almost never do.

This used to slow me down, but here are some principles that have greatly helped.

Why don’t I feel like praying?

I have an aversion to changes of context. If I’m doing chores around the house, I want to keep doing them. If I’m reading or typing at my computer, I want to keep doing that. When it’s time to go to bed, I don’t want to. And when it’s time to get out of bed I don’t want to. It takes emotional energy to shift your context, to drop an activity, and to orient yourself to a new one.