Category: Biblical Topics

Matthew 5:40–42 and the Charity Question

Since I believe the bible contains zero evidence that Jesus would support an involuntary, government run, inefficient “charity,” what do I think about Matthew 5:40–42? And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two […]

Christianity, Humanism, and Civilization

It was just a trailer for a video game. But to me it was something more. The music came from one of my favorite pieces ever. The visuals and narration portrayed the striving of humanity to better itself. The striking last lines of the video: “There’s no end to our imagination and no limit to civilization.” It’s a compelling […]

3 Powerful Ways to Absorb God’s Word

A. W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Our worship of God comes from our understanding of who He is. And where does our understanding come from? From spending time absorbing what He has told us about Himself: absorbing Scripture. Absorbing—not merely […]

God’s Gifts & Technology?

[guestpost]This is a guest-post from my friend Nate Curry.[/guestpost] This post is merely something to get the 21st century believer thinking about or re-thinking his or her beliefs on the topic of God’s Spiritual gifts. Being the technology guru that I am I see a major correlation between technology and the way God communicates to […]