

Hi, I’m Cody Libolt. I’ve been blogging here since 2014.

My goal for this blog to encourage you in your faith—and also to encourage you to speak out about your faith and your values.

I’m concerned about the fracturing of the things I care about: churches, families, and society. I take the Bible seriously and I’m looking for ways to be the “salt and the light” in the world.

Does that describe you too?

The best thing we can do to have a good impact on others is to be intentional messengers of the truth.

Subscribe to My Blog

To make sure you don’t miss my newest blog posts, subscribe to my newsletter at For the New Christian Intellectual.

Favorite Posts

The Journey We Need
Learning to See God’s Goodness
The Motives of a Christian: An Interview with Lydia Borengasser
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.1

You can find me online at:

Facebook Profile
Facebook Page
Facebook Group

Other Websites

Since 2017 I have helped manage the worldview publication and podcast For the New Christian Intellectual.

I also work as a coach/consultant for writers looking to grow their audience and create an online business. Find out more about what I offer at CodyLibolt.Media.

More About Me

I live in Irvine, California.

I trusted in Jesus Christ at a young age as my Savior and my Lord.

I’m a Southern Baptist, and I believe whole-heartedly in the Baptist Faith and Message. I affirm a Calvinist theological outlook. I have a Master’s Degree in Worship Leadership from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

In my free time I enjoy reading, running, and exploring Irvine with my wife and two kids.

You can contact me via email here.

About the Gospel

While I’m writing specifically to Christians, it’s important to tell the gospel here at my site. I’ve put a lot of thought into it and I set up a special gospel resource page.

The better our answer to “What is the gospel?”—the better Christians we will be. Check it out at What Is Christianity?