Dear Christian brother and sister, We grow as leaders as we set our hearts on the character of God.

If you’re like me, you often ask…

-Are there reasons for what God does? Can I trust him?
-How can I see God’s goodness more?
-Are my motives right? How can I improve them?
-How can I better serve God and grow the church?

You know the things of God are important.

But you have a hard time knowing if you’re doing what you should. People seem uninterested in the gospel message. We all know those who have backslidden or mentally checked out. Even church members can’t seem to get along.

On top of this, we worry that there is never enough time to get everything done. We wonder whether we are the people God made us to be. We ask, am I in the right place? Am I doing what matters? Is the world going to be a better place because I was in it?

Too often, we don’t know the answers and we doubt whether there are any.

There are a thousand voices saying “The secret to Christian living is this or that.” How do you even sort it out? How do you know what’s most important?

And once you know what’s most important, how do you begin to care about it the way you should?

Though we affirm the truth, we still get bored with the things of God, and we don’t know why. Then we become frustrated by our own bad attitudes and lack of effectiveness. We even have a hard time enjoying being around other people. Things may be going well on the outside, but our lives aren’t as good as they seem. We are spiritually confused and emotionally unhealthy. We’re supposed to be the salt of the earth? How are we going to help anyone?

There are answers to the pressing questions of the Christian life.

We need to understand the character of God and live in accord with it. To do that, we need to be deliberate. God calls us to set our hearts on him as a daily practice. Those who don’t prepare their hearts to seek after God will eventually suffer for it. But, for those who set their hearts on God early, there is mercy to carry us through any trial.

There is no special secret to understanding God’s word. We don’t need a degree in theology to do it. But takes hard work—brain work. God’s word is a message to be comprehended. We need to think about God and his ways with increasing insight, logic, and subtlety.

That’s what this blog is about.

It’s about looking at Scripture. It’s about discovering God’s character and values so we can find principles for living.

A thoughtful look at Scripture will make us better Christians. It will help us live God’s plan with passion. It starts with applying our hearts to Scripture.

How can we be as effective as God wants us to be?

Here are three steps:

1. Gain a deep knowledge of what God is like.
2. Set our hearts on those values God says are most important.
3. Live unto God in the way he shows.

God’s word will reshape us.

What answers will we find as we study Scripture together?

-How to understand Scripture.
-How to choose godly priorities.
-How to feel excited about the church and its mission.
-How to become more Christ-like and lead others to do the same.
-How to achieve better results in your work, ministry, and relationships.

God’s Word is life to us.

I hope you’ll join me in applying your heart to Scripture. This is the kind of journey we need, if we will live.