Category: Learning

You’re a Legalist If You Draw a Clear Moral Line?

In the Gospels we see Jesus drawing one clear moral line after another. But today we are told it is the legalist or the Pharisee who draws moral lines. Thus, when pastors release the Nashville Statement or similar statements of belief, the accusers salivate. The wolves descend. “How dare you agree with Scripture.” “It’s [the current year]!” “How un-Christlike.” […]

Matthew 5:40–42 and the Charity Question

Since I believe the bible contains zero evidence that Jesus would support an involuntary, government run, inefficient “charity,” what do I think about Matthew 5:40–42? And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two […]