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Knowledge in the Bible

I surveyed the Bible to find its position on the status of knowledge. Does the Bible say knowledge/certainty is impossible to the unbeliever? Actually, I found that sinners can know many things. What they can’t know is the deceit of their own heart. But they can know good and evil. In fact, it is for knowing the good, yet choosing the evil, that people are condemned (Romans 1-2).

Below is a set of verses to help combat the mystical approach to knowledge (presuppositionalism). We see the common-sense view of knowledge: we learn by observation and reasoning. People come to faith because they see evidence; seeing leads to believing.

Knowledge plays a huge role in Scripture. In these verses we find a treasury of insight about what knowledge is possible to man and about how knowledge works. Enjoy!

Understanding and Then Faith

Imagine that the Apostle John approached you and said, “Believe in Jesus. Later I will tell you who he was and what he did.” What would be the content of your belief? Faith must be in something. A level of understanding precedes faith. Faith then opens the door for greater understanding.

A famous 20th Century theologian, Cornelius Van Til, argued the reverse. He argued that, unless God exists, no understanding can be possible to man.

52 Books I Am in Love With

I love a good book.

I am in love with the Bible most, and I hope you are too. Here are 52 other books I’m in love with. These have impacted me so positively that I have been known to buy them for people. May 2015 be a great year of reading for you!

He Who Promised Is Faithful

Are your prayers unanswered? Are you in a time of waiting? When you’re waiting you’re vulnerable. Doubts can grow. Especially when you’re experiencing suffering.

You begin to ask:

  • Why is this happening?
  • Why does God let it happen?
  • If God is still good, why can’t I feel it?

As a Christian, you know God is still good. But what can you do when the goodness of God begins to feel like a distant memory instead of a present reality?

Renew Your Passion for Jesus

When Scripture records a warning to Christians, take note. It’s a clue: other Christians had these problems and we probably will too.

Look at Revelation 2:4 with its warning against losing our first love. There is danger: it can happen. The loss of our first love can be gradual and unwitting.

How do we renew our passion for Jesus?

The basic answer is: Think again about your reason for loving Him in the first place.