Category: Platform

The Winsome Gestapo

In discussing events and ideas, I’ve found that some people don’t work at all to bridle their tongues. But other people work hard to put a bridle on anyone ELSE’s tongue that they disagree with (often by the method of quickly jumping to tone policing). James shows us the right way. We bridle our OWN […]

20 Truths about Taking Massive Action

One of the best productivity hacks is simply this: Commit to take Massive Action today. Massive Action means “I commit to finish now.” It’s when you take 3-4 hours or a whole day and focus on completing just ONE single goal. Massive Action creates turning points in life. Think back to your major turning points — […]

The Top 10 Questions Christians Ask

Recently I surveyed a group of my Christian friends and asked, “What is one part of Christian life you wish were easier?” Thirty people responded, offering insight into their spiritual experience. I reformulated their responses as basic questions about the Christian life. They center on ten topics:

20 Christian Bloggers on “Why Writing Matters”

It takes a lot to create a blog or website, but Christian leaders know it’s worth it. I’m really excited about today’s post: this week 20 of my favorite Christian bloggers emailed me their reasons for writing! Some have a large following; others are just getting started. Combined, they reach over 200,000 email subscribers and […]