Find the Joy of Christmas

Jesus once said, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

Do you know that feeling? When the work energizes rather than depletes you? There are days like this. But there are other kinds of days too, when the words of the old carol feel so true:

And ye, beneath life’s crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow…

20 Truths about Taking Massive Action

One of the best productivity hacks is simply this: Commit to take Massive Action today. Massive Action means “I commit to finish now.” It’s when you take 3-4 hours or a whole day and focus on completing just ONE single goal.

Massive Action creates turning points in life.

Think back to your major turning points — the times your life took a big change for the better.

  • You went out and found a new job — and committed to it.
  • You started a new relationship and went all-in.
  • You decided to start taking your health and your exercise seriously.
  • You made something, built something, or wrote a song, an essay, or a book.

Christianity, Humanism, and Civilization

It was just a trailer for a video game. But to me it was something more. The music came from one of my favorite pieces ever. The visuals and narration portrayed the striving of humanity to better itself.

The striking last lines of the video:

“There’s no end to our imagination and no limit to civilization.”

It’s a compelling vision for humanity. It’s also incomplete. The story of mankind needs a hero, and that hero can only be God himself.

Getting to Know You

This year my blog has gained readers, so I thought I’d try something new.

I want to know more about who’s reading. The more I know about you, the more I can tailor the blog to help you.

I created this 5-minute survey to get your feedback. I hope you’ll take a moment and provide your thoughts. It’s really valuable to me.

Click here to tell me more about yourself.

This will help YOU too!

  • I’m going to read and think about every response.
  • You’ll get better writing from me.
  • You’ll get less articles you DON’T want, and more you DO want.
  • You’ll have a big influence on the direction I go with the blog.

Click here to take the 5-minute survey.

I really appreciate you doing this! I’m looking forward to your response.

Cody Libolt