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The Journey We Need

Dear Christian brother and sister, We grow as leaders as we set our hearts on the character of God.

If you’re like me, you often ask…

-Are there reasons for what God does? Can I trust him?
-How can I see God’s goodness more?
-Are my motives right? How can I improve them?
-How can I better serve God and grow the church?

The Human Right that Doesn’t Exist

This article is from Sean Edwards, who blogs here. Thanks for allowing me to re-post your outstanding article!

Sean EdwardsAround the world people believe healthcare is a human right. There are advocacy groups that believe every person has the right to direct access to modern medicine.

This is one of the most noble goals we as a society should have. Every person should have access to modern healthcare.

But something dangerous happens when we label access to healthcare as a natural right.

Movie Review: Batman v Superman (2016).

Trying something new. Just a movie review. Let me know your thoughts!



Short Version: Close to being a good movie. Instructive.

Full Version: I enjoyed aspects of this film. It was artful. The effects, the direction, the pacing, the music, the casting, and the acting were all excellent. 

It was breathtaking. I came away feeling… impressed. The movie attempted to say something meaningful about politics and humanity. It had weight.

Despite all these good qualities, it was a mediocre movie. It had every production value going for it, but it missed the two most important elements of story-telling.

1) The plot was poor. 2) The characters were unbelievable. 

What Is Church For?

What is church all about? What’s the purpose of being a church? These are basic questions, but we all need a review from time to time. It keeps our vision alive.

So what is church all about? The word “church” means “assembly.” It describes us as a people. We are the Christians who assemble at a time and a place.

The Top 10 Questions Christians Ask

Recently I surveyed a group of my Christian friends and asked, “What is one part of Christian life you wish were easier?”

Thirty people responded, offering insight into their spiritual experience. I reformulated their responses as basic questions about the Christian life. They center on ten topics: