You Weren’t Very Persuasive Today

“Were my words wasted today?”

I ask that a lot.

I can’t stand being in the dark about this kind of thing. Yes or no? Did my work have an effect?

How can we know?

Let me tell you a mindset shift that helped me. (If you want to save time and frustration, keep reading.)

(Also, join our Facebook group Learning to Be a Christian on Social Media.)

Do You Make This Mistake When Arguing?

I call this mistake “Not keeping your eye on the goal.”

It means not being 100% clear on what your goal is.

So, what is your goal?

If your goal is to say what you think — and then feel good about having said it — that’s not going to benefit anyone. Not you, and not anyone else.

That’s like the people who just say “You’re an idiot.” No one is benefited by that.

Matthew 5:40–42 and the Charity Question

Since I believe the bible contains zero evidence that Jesus would support an involuntary, government run, inefficient “charity,” what do I think about Matthew 5:40–42?

And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you (ESV).