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How To Give a Perfect Answer Pt. 3

“Don’t Make It Painful”

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts,
But the tongue of the wise brings healing.
-Proverbs 12:18

An online discussion is like a party or a game. People come because they want to have fun, grow, and learn about others. It takes courage to put oneself out there. It is a risk to one’s pride. That is the cost of playing.

Try to keep the entry cost low.

Otherwise people won’t want to play. Your words will either bring people in or push them out. If you want your ideas to be heard, you can’t push people away.

What Christian Resources Are People Reading?

In my recent survey thirty friends described their online reading patterns.

For writers, this is incredibly helpful. I plan to spend some time learning from each of these Christian resources.

How To Give a Perfect Answer Pt. 2

“Don’t Make It Personal”

Whoever belittles his neighbor lacks sense,
But a man of understanding remains silent.”
-Proverbs 11:12

In the last post we looked at the question: “How can I be more mature when I talk to people online?”

The answer in summary—Don’t make it personal, painful, demanding, or rude. Today the first point—Don’t make it personal.

Forums are for critiquing thoughts, not thinkers.

How To Give a Perfect Answer Pt. 4

“Don’t Make It Demanding”

A fool gives full vent to his spirit,
But a wise man quietly holds it back.
-Proverbs 29:11

An immature person makes too many demands on others.

In a forum there are several things I find too demanding. You may have a different opinion. It depends on the context and the relationship. But if you think you may be too demanding—ask.

20 Truths about Taking Massive Action

One of the best productivity hacks is simply this: Commit to take Massive Action today. Massive Action means “I commit to finish now.” It’s when you take 3-4 hours or a whole day and focus on completing just ONE single goal.

Massive Action creates turning points in life.

Think back to your major turning points — the times your life took a big change for the better.

  • You went out and found a new job — and committed to it.
  • You started a new relationship and went all-in.
  • You decided to start taking your health and your exercise seriously.
  • You made something, built something, or wrote a song, an essay, or a book.