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Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.10

The United States has been exceptional as the country founded upon a moral idea: individual rights.

The founding fathers recognized man’s rights as inalienable. Rights are discovered, not granted.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.7

What questions does the free-market view face?

Here are the normal objections:

•    What will happen to the kids who can’t afford school?
•    What about all the poor and aged? How will they survive?
•    Isn’t your version of a society rather harsh to the needy? How can we let them suffer?

Christianity and Government: An Interview with Joseph Knowles

This past week I interviewed Joseph Knowles. Joseph studied at Regent University School of Law. He is 32 and lives in Virginia. He and I found common ground in our understanding of Christianity and government.

Drawing Lines on Islam

A logic puzzle:

What would you think if someone told you the following?

  1. I follow the Koran.
  2. The Koran tells me to lie, cheat, steal and kill in order to conquer you.
  3. I don’t want to do any of that.

What is the status of such a claim?

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.20

In this final article of the series I want to address a question I brought up near the beginning: Why am I, a worship leader, so concerned about this issue?

If I’ve been right in my preceding arguments, the answer is clear. I care about my society. I care about the world I live in and the world I leave to my son. I work as a leader in a church because I want people to see God and his righteous ways. Sometimes that means taking an unpopular stand.