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Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.1

Whoever untied the Gordian Knot would be the king of Asia, said the prophecy.

No one could untie the knot until Alexander the Great.

He couldn’t find its end, so he came up with an “Alexandrian solution”—one slice from his sword and the knot was in pieces; thoroughly untied. An unsolvable problem sometimes goes away when a sharp mind or blade applies logic.

The Human Right that Doesn’t Exist

This article is from Sean Edwards, who blogs here. Thanks for allowing me to re-post your outstanding article!

Sean EdwardsAround the world people believe healthcare is a human right. There are advocacy groups that believe every person has the right to direct access to modern medicine.

This is one of the most noble goals we as a society should have. Every person should have access to modern healthcare.

But something dangerous happens when we label access to healthcare as a natural right.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.9

Previously we looked at John Frame’s scriptural argument that government should offer protection from theft, not be an agent of redistribution.

I agree with this vision of justice. Scripture doesn’t support the modern idea of “social justice.”

Refugees and Reporting

Like me, you’re probably wanting to know what’s happening with the Syrian refugees.

These are people. Families. If you’ve seen a picture of a three-year-old Syrian boy dead, you know that something absolutely must be done. We should be ashamed if our hearts were not big enough to help these human beings—these image-bearers of God Himself—in their time of distress.

So then, what are the facts? What’s the right thing to do? Is President Obama’s plan to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees moral?

Christianity and ISIS: Toward a Better World Pt. 1

It devastates me and I look away. But each day the murder toll of ISIS rises.

The world affords constant cause for outrage, such that I would not fault you for looking away and putting it out of mind. But is there a better world? Can we give a better world to our sons?