Category: Politics

Refugees and Reporting

Like me, you’re probably wanting to know what’s happening with the Syrian refugees. These are people. Families. If you’ve seen a picture of a three-year-old Syrian boy dead, you know that something absolutely must be done. We should be ashamed if our hearts were not big enough to help these human beings—these image-bearers of God […]

Certainty, Judgment, and Planned Parenthood

Let the little children come to me,” said Jesus (Matthew 19:14). But see what happens to a nation when it ignores the heart of God. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, Even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, Whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: And the […]

Righteous Judgment and Anger without Sin

At the release of the fourth video investigating Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted babies, we see a continuing pattern: whenever Planned Parenthood denies a claim, more evidence comes forward, giving the lie to their press agents. For those working to protect the lives of unborn children, Planned Parenthood’s public relations nightmare is good news. The […]

What Can Anyone Do?

Looking at the moral state of our society, I groan: “What can anyone do?” Like the kings in the days of Israel and Judah, we have more wicked rulers than good ones. Even our good rulers never manage to remove the “high places” of child sacrifice, because the hearts of the people are wicked. Our country’s greatest […]