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Learn to Pray Like Daniel

Which Bible heroes never failed? Daniel stands out.

Not once does the Bible record him committing an error or sin. No man was perfect except Jesus, but Daniel is a rare treasure among the faithful heroes.

The key to Daniel’s success was his committed reliance on the Lord, especially as seen through his consistent prayer life. He always considered God’s will.

He Who Promised Is Faithful

Are your prayers unanswered? Are you in a time of waiting? When you’re waiting you’re vulnerable. Doubts can grow. Especially when you’re experiencing suffering.

You begin to ask:

  • Why is this happening?
  • Why does God let it happen?
  • If God is still good, why can’t I feel it?

As a Christian, you know God is still good. But what can you do when the goodness of God begins to feel like a distant memory instead of a present reality?

Finding the Good in Christian Sorrow

How do we deal with sorrow and sin in the world—and in our own hearts?

The key is knowing what else is in our hearts: the laws of God.

Jesus at the Center: 7 Ways to Keep the Greater Vision

“Vision leaks.” It’s a bucket with holes in it. As you guide yourself and others toward a goal you must constantly refresh the vision.

When asked, “What do you wish was easier about the Christian life?” many name the challenge of vision:

  • How can I keep Jesus at the center of my life?
  • How can I renew my passion for Him?
  • How can I filter out all the distractions?

The answer: Set your mind on who Jesus actually is, according to Scripture. Instead of reverting to the guesses of our imagination (2 Corinthians 10:5), we need to look at what the Bible says about Him.

How to Understand the Bible More Clearly

Sometimes I worry that there are as many versions of “Christianity” as there are Christians. On matters of our faith, and especially on modern disputes, how can we understand the Bible more clearly?

When you see so many interpretations, you begin to wonder if it’s possible to know what the Bible even teaches about a given issue—until you actually read the Bible, that is.