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What You’re Forgetting When Your Faith Is Weak

Sometimes it’s hard to pray. Sometimes it feels like you’re repeating words, not talking to a person. From this we may even wonder if our faith is weak.

When that happens, what are we forgetting? What is missing?

You’re a Legalist If You Draw a Clear Moral Line?

Man by a cross kneeling down and praying

In the Gospels we see Jesus drawing one clear moral line after another. But today we are told it is the legalist or the Pharisee who draws moral lines.

Thus, when pastors release the Nashville Statement or similar statements of belief, the accusers salivate. The wolves descend.

“How dare you agree with Scripture.”

“It’s [the current year]!”

“How un-Christlike.”

What are we to make of this?

Jesus at the Center: 7 Ways to Keep the Greater Vision

“Vision leaks.” It’s a bucket with holes in it. As you guide yourself and others toward a goal you must constantly refresh the vision.

When asked, “What do you wish was easier about the Christian life?” many name the challenge of vision:

  • How can I keep Jesus at the center of my life?
  • How can I renew my passion for Him?
  • How can I filter out all the distractions?

The answer: Set your mind on who Jesus actually is, according to Scripture. Instead of reverting to the guesses of our imagination (2 Corinthians 10:5), we need to look at what the Bible says about Him.

God’s Gifts & Technology?

[guestpost]This is a guest-post from my friend Nate Curry.[/guestpost]

This post is merely something to get the 21st century believer thinking about or re-thinking his or her beliefs on the topic of God’s Spiritual gifts. Being the technology guru that I am I see a major correlation between technology and the way God communicates to us.

3 Powerful Ways to Absorb God’s Word


A. W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Our worship of God comes from our understanding of who He is. And where does our understanding come from? From spending time absorbing what He has told us about Himself: absorbing Scripture. Absorbing—not merely reading. We need God’s Word inside us!