God Is There

Is God present with you?  As you cook?  As you drive?  As you work?

I was sixteen when I first read Practicing His Presence. The book tells of a simple mindset shift that comes when a Christian takes seriously the presence of the Holy Spirit.

“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me” (John 15:26).

Christians, this Comforter is always with us.

But how often do we go a day without remembering it?

Practicing His Presence gives a look into the journals of a 17th Century monk and a 20th Century missionary to show how a life of prayer can look. The two men, Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach, took seriously Paul’s exhortation to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Does this well-known verse really mean what it says? It would be too easy to “interpret” this verse as meaning less than it does. If Paul had wanted to say “pray at regular intervals,” he could have done so. But Paul promotes a life of prayer—a mindset in which Christ is never far and all words and deeds are intentional expressions of trust toward God.

“Behold, I am with you always,” said Jesus (Matthew 28:20).

You can practice His presence. 

This means remembering Christ’s promise as often as possible.

  • Remember who you are.
  • Remember who God is.
  • Remember the Holy Spirit that Christ has sent.

When you remember His presence, you come to your senses.  You gain the perspective and peace you need.  Your countenance changes when you recognize the closeness of your God.

Take note of your attitude as you go through each day. 

At what points do you remember God’s presence and at what points do you forget?  There is power in God’s presence for those who exercise the faith to remember He is there.