Category: Leading

How to Give a Perfect Answer

How do you give a perfect answer? The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; The heart of the wicked is of little worth. -Proverbs 10:20 How do you communicate wisely? Especially when writing online in a blog or on social media? The perfect answer is not some “end-all” retort. The perfect answer is the mature […]

Speaking Out Like John Galt

One of the best lines in literature is “This is John Galt Speaking.” The moment comes at the climax of Atlas Shrugged. Read it. What follows is my own John Galt moment. If I had a stage, this is what I would say. As John Galt did, I would tell you who I am and […]

Do You Make This Mistake When Arguing?

I call this mistake “Not keeping your eye on the goal.” It means not being 100% clear on what your goal is. So, what is your goal? If your goal is to say what you think — and then feel good about having said it — that’s not going to benefit anyone. Not you, and not anyone else. That’s like […]