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Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.17

The king’s strength also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity. -Psalm 99:4a

Americans place a high value on equality, and rightly so. But what is equality? Is it the same as egalitarianism? Social justice? As we see in Psalm 99:4, a righteous judge favors neither the poor nor the rich, but deals equitably with all. People have the right to equal treatment under the law, not equal lifestyle. That is what the concept “equity” means: impartiality.

Some suppose that “fairness” involves taking from the rich and giving to the poor. With this as a supposition, it is understandable that they would misconstrue Scripture through a socialist lens. But Scripture speaks of equity.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.11

If the United States was truly exceptional, what has happened to it?

How did the U.S. fall from its place as the world’s beacon of freedom and individual rights? How did the nation of achievers and owners become the “entitlement state” of looters and moochers?

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.19

According to Scripture, what is justice? Or what is judgment? (They are often interchangeable.)

Judgment always involves stopping and punishing a wrong-doer. That is the common feature when Scripture speaks of it. If no one stole from another or harmed another, there would be no need for society to provide judgment or justice. The need arises because men initiate force. Someone must judge between conflicting parties to prevent a feud.

A Moment of Silence for the Bill of Rights

Politicians now command Christian ministers to perform gay weddings.

The Washington Post story can be read here.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.6

If the government’s only role is to define force and to stop it, then what about everything else the government does right now?

In this series I’m explaining my view of a just government.
To read from the beginning click here.