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Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.12

I’ve argued that the case for freedom is—and can only be—the case that freedom is moral.

Then let’s go to our moral guide. Let’s go to Scripture.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.9

Previously we looked at John Frame’s scriptural argument that government should offer protection from theft, not be an agent of redistribution.

I agree with this vision of justice. Scripture doesn’t support the modern idea of “social justice.”

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.1

Whoever untied the Gordian Knot would be the king of Asia, said the prophecy.

No one could untie the knot until Alexander the Great.

He couldn’t find its end, so he came up with an “Alexandrian solution”—one slice from his sword and the knot was in pieces; thoroughly untied. An unsolvable problem sometimes goes away when a sharp mind or blade applies logic.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.3

It’s a tall claim to say that the Bible supports laissez faire capitalism. Important (even conservative) Christian voices would reject the idea. But it’s the claim I’m making. Over the next several posts I’ll support it.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.14

Aside from Acts 2 and 4, perhaps the most common Christian argument for socialism is the “welfare system” of ancient Israel.

Let’s look at the arguments from the Jubilee and the gleaning laws.