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#Houston We Have A Problem


(In response to Houston’s sermon subpoenas in mid October 2014)

When the mayor of a large American city so violates religious liberty, all moral men must speak out. They must speak in the broadest realm possible to them.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.8

Here I’m going to summarize theologian John Frame’s views on Christianity and government.

It’s helpful to recognize that a respected theologian shares the basics of the view I’m advocating and to see how he derives his view from Scripture. His discussion makes a good starting point to orient us to what Scripture says on the issue.

“Religious Liberty” — A Different Take

Al Mohler recently published an article at the Southern Blog called “The moral revolution threatens religious liberty.

Mohler is a noted evangelical leader and the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He considers “religious liberty” important. His article comes only a week after a previous one at his blog, entitled “Religious Liberty vs. Erotic Liberty—Religious Liberty Is Losing.”

Mohler’s explanation of “religious liberty” bears close study.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.2

“It’s the government’s place to help people.” That is the common assumption behind most of modern American political thought.

What does such a view mean in practice?

The forcing of one person to work on behalf of another. And this, not for the sake of defending the country against an invader or a criminal, but for the sake of giving to a man those positive comforts he has not attained for himself. “If a person is unable to take care of himself, it is proper to force others to take care of him,” this view holds.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.7

What questions does the free-market view face?

Here are the normal objections:

•    What will happen to the kids who can’t afford school?
•    What about all the poor and aged? How will they survive?
•    Isn’t your version of a society rather harsh to the needy? How can we let them suffer?