Category: Leading

Thanks Obama.

After our move my wife has been working to get us a new health insurance plan. After 3 months of phone calls and paperwork, we just found out the company thinks our “case is closed.” We have no idea why. So… We’re starting over and it’s going to take several more months. Yikes. Our two […]

The Winsome Gestapo

In discussing events and ideas, I’ve found that some people don’t work at all to bridle their tongues. But other people work hard to put a bridle on anyone ELSE’s tongue that they disagree with (often by the method of quickly jumping to tone policing). James shows us the right way. We bridle our OWN […]

20 Truths about Taking Massive Action

One of the best productivity hacks is simply this: Commit to take Massive Action today. Massive Action means “I commit to finish now.” It’s when you take 3-4 hours or a whole day and focus on completing just ONE single goal. Massive Action creates turning points in life. Think back to your major turning points — […]