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Six Bad Catch-Phrases Explained

Have you heard these catch-phrases in your church?

“God’s plan for your life”

“Fully devoted followers of Christ”

“Freeing people to fully live”

“Law vs. grace”

“That’s not God’s best for you”

“We’re about meeting people where they are”

Communication Style

This blog is called If We Will Live. The tone is one of optimism and sincerity—for if we will live, we must choose to identify the path.

A few words on my style and intentions: I believe the words I write. I take a tone of certainty that comes from having logically integrated my own views into a coherent, reality-based whole. Since my purpose involves changing and teaching the reader, I plan to write on challenging and controversial topics. Guaranteed, my ideas will lead to disagreements.

Imagine the Possibilities

What’s the plan?

I write as a way of reaching out to others, and changing them.

What’s With The Title?

I titled my blog “If We Will Live” because I will talk about important matters—life, reason, and faith.

Not all people chose to fully live. Even for those who intend to live, not all paths lead to life. What is the way of life? That is my question. I answer that the way of life must be discovered.

Introducing My Website

Hello, and thank you for reading.

I’m Cody Libolt. I’m a worship leader, a music teacher, and a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. At this blog I explore questions about Christian Life, Reason, and Faith.

Cody and Sasha