Category: Leading

Platform-Building Pt. 2: Desktop and Workflow

I want to share the workflow I created for myself. If you’re a writer, you may find this helpful, especially if you’re building a “hearing with others” via an online platform. [You might start by reading Platform-Building Pt. 1: Leaders Should Be Writers] My weekly writing, reading, and platform-building activities are numerous. It’s difficult to […]

“Religious Liberty” — A Different Take

Al Mohler recently published an article at the Southern Blog called “The moral revolution threatens religious liberty.” Mohler is a noted evangelical leader and the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He considers “religious liberty” important. His article comes only a week after a previous one at his blog, entitled “Religious Liberty vs. Erotic […]

“Social Justice”

The Southern Blog recently posted an article on a question close to my heart: what do Christian leaders need to think, say, and do about the political changes rocking our country? The article was called “The article was called “Politics, religious liberty, and the Christian.” In it, Boyce College Professor Bryan Baise explained that Christian […]