Platform-Building Pt. 3: How to Understand the Process

This is part 3 of a 4-part series on platform-building. You may want to start with Leaders Should Be Writers and Desktop and Workflow.

It’s been a big challenge to understand workflow as I build my online platform. This flowchart has helped me understand how each of my tasks relates to my whole platforming project. I also found it helpful to organize my computer desktop according to this chart.

Note: the arrows show which processes make which others possible.

Workflow 01At the top I placed my Resource documents and Organization documents.

Resources are the starting place because it is from these that I learned how to conceive of the rest.

Once I have some good Resources and I understand them, I am able to get Organized with a vision and a plan.

Having Resources and Organization enables me to create a Blog (both the site and the individual articles).

At the same time, the Resources also show me to use Social Media effectively.

Social Media interactions further improve my success in my Blog. This happens in two ways: other people discover my blog and I learn what people find interesting.

Furthermore, Social Media enables me to meet a build a network of select Contacts to invest in.

Investing in both my Blog and in my Contacts helps me further refine my voice, thus enabling me to create Results. Examples include product packages, such as PDF downloads or an ebook.

Eventually I hope my Results will include a published book deal, speaking engagements, leadership opportunities, and a change in culture.

I hope you find the idea of this flowchart helpful. It could be adapted in many ways.


You’re reading part 3 of a 4-part series:
Platform-Building Pt. 1: Leaders Should Be Writers
Platform-Building Pt. 2: Desktop and Workflow
Platform-Building Pt. 3: How to Understand the Process
Platform-Building Pt. 4: Ten Principles