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Are Conservative Christians Taking a Turn Toward Socialism?

Here’s one reason I’m on social media:

To fight the growing trend of socialism among so-called conservative Christians.

Consider the rapid decline of “First Things,” a website that calls itself “America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life.”

What Can Anyone Do?

Looking at the moral state of our society, I groan: “What can anyone do?”

Like the kings in the days of Israel and Judah, we have more wicked rulers than good ones. Even our good rulers never manage to remove the “high places” of child sacrifice, because the hearts of the people are wicked.

Our country’s greatest wickedness is its treatment of unborn children.

In the past two weeks it has come to light that Planned Parenthood sells the parts of aborted babies for around $300 a piece. The third video came out July 28th, with more to follow, apparently at weekly intervals for the next two months.

I’ve followed this story and worked to make it known. I’ve called others to do the same.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.20

In this final article of the series I want to address a question I brought up near the beginning: Why am I, a worship leader, so concerned about this issue?

If I’ve been right in my preceding arguments, the answer is clear. I care about my society. I care about the world I live in and the world I leave to my son. I work as a leader in a church because I want people to see God and his righteous ways. Sometimes that means taking an unpopular stand.