Author: Cody Libolt

Movie Review: Batman v Superman (2016).

Trying something new. Just a movie review. Let me know your thoughts! [SPOILER ALERT] [BE WARNED — SOME STORY ITEMS APPEAR BELOW] Short Version: Close to being a good movie. Instructive. Full Version: I enjoyed aspects of this film. It was artful. The effects, the direction, the pacing, the music, the casting, and the acting were all excellent.  It was […]

What Is Church For?

What is church all about? What’s the purpose of being a church? These are basic questions, but we all need a review from time to time. It keeps our vision alive. So what is church all about? The word “church” means “assembly.” It describes us as a people. We are the Christians who assemble at […]

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” — We pray this. Do we take it seriously? What does it mean? What do we actually believe about God’s will being done on earth? Ask many Christians if the world is getting better or worse today, and they’ll say “worse.” […]

A Vision for Worship Ministry

Each New Year I take a pause. I get out my journal, and I write. It’s a way to remember, to survey the total, and to find a renewed focus. As part of this practice, I wrote out some thoughts about the church music ministry I lead. I asked, “Basically, what is it that I’m doing—and […]

As You Consider Socialism

Socialism in Scripture? For more than one hundred years, the people of the United States have faced the choice of socialism versus freedom. Generally, the people have spoken out for freedom and individual rights. Politicians have affirmed these values while campaigning, but not while legislating. As Christians in America consider socialism, they are sometimes told about “welfare” in […]