Category: Motivation

O Bless Me Now, My Savior

Does God want us to be motivated by his rewards? For a very long time people have been singing of their great reward. And not only Americans. The Hebrew book of worship, the Psalms, is prefaced by the following: Blessed is the man
 who walks not In the counsel of the wicked, Nor stands in […]

A Year of Blessing

The New Year is coming, and I’m taking steps to make it a year of blessing. I want another year of growing in my passion for Jesus Christ. Do you ever worry that, like the churches in Revelation, your passion may have become lukewarm? It’s a common concern for Christians. It happened to those early […]

Christian Motivation: An Interview with Lydia Borengasser

“Put others first.” “You think too highly of yourself.” “You’re selfish.” If you hear these ideas enough, they can take over your understanding of morality. What should our motivation be? Why care about doing the right thing? I recently interviewed a writer named Lydia Borengasser. We found common ground on the controversial topic of Christian motivation.

Save Yourself

A Bible challenge: Who said the famous words: “Save yourself”? “Save yourself” sounds suspicious. As Christians, we believe it’s Jesus who saves. Also, doesn’t the plea to “save yourself” seem overly self-centered? If the phrase seems off-target, you may be surprised who said it.

A Flowchart of Self-Interest

Why do you follow God? At foundation, the proper motivation is self-interest. Many don’t want to believe this. How do you convince them? Keep asking “why?”  If there is an answer at all to the question of “why?” it must be a reason and it must be a reason for that person. If you can […]