A Year of Blessing

The New Year is coming, and I’m taking steps to make it a year of blessing. I want another year of growing in my passion for Jesus Christ.

Do you ever worry that, like the churches in Revelation, your passion may have become lukewarm? It’s a common concern for Christians. It happened to those early believers, and it can happen to us.

I’ll tell you my plan for how to renew my passion. I’m going to spend some time thinking about my reason for loving Jesus Christ in the first place. Why is He a value to me? Why would I choose to love Him?

-Christ lets me know Him (Philippians 3:10).
-This knowledge is excellent (Philippians 3:8).
-He lets me know the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10-11).
-He lets me live my life with Him (2 Timothy 2:11).
-He saves me from the punishment I deserve (Matthew 7:23).
-He rewards my labor and promises a prize (1 Corinthians 3:8, 3:14, 9:24).
-He profits me with godliness and eternal life (1 Timothy 4:8).

Do you want to see the Lord’s goodness? This is His goodness to us: that He saves. To renew your passion for Jesus, renew your passion for eternal life. And know that it only comes through Him.