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Inductionism: A Philosophical System

In this blog I advocate the principle that “if we will live,” we must choose to value our own lives, our reason, and our faith. I seek to reproduce my philosophical convictions in other people. For the sake of clarity, I’ve created an outline of my system. This and future posts will expound my system.

A philosophical system must answer three basic kinds of questions: What kind of world is it? Why am I able to know it? How will I act? The central tenets of my philosophy are epistemological objectivism and a Christian morality of rational self-interest.

52 Books I Am in Love With

I love a good book.

I am in love with the Bible most, and I hope you are too. Here are 52 other books I’m in love with. These have impacted me so positively that I have been known to buy them for people. May 2015 be a great year of reading for you!