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Renew Your Passion for Jesus

When Scripture records a warning to Christians, take note. It’s a clue: other Christians had these problems and we probably will too.

Look at Revelation 2:4 with its warning against losing our first love. There is danger: it can happen. The loss of our first love can be gradual and unwitting.

How do we renew our passion for Jesus?

The basic answer is: Think again about your reason for loving Him in the first place.

Jesus at the Center: 7 Ways to Keep the Greater Vision

“Vision leaks.” It’s a bucket with holes in it. As you guide yourself and others toward a goal you must constantly refresh the vision.

When asked, “What do you wish was easier about the Christian life?” many name the challenge of vision:

  • How can I keep Jesus at the center of my life?
  • How can I renew my passion for Him?
  • How can I filter out all the distractions?

The answer: Set your mind on who Jesus actually is, according to Scripture. Instead of reverting to the guesses of our imagination (2 Corinthians 10:5), we need to look at what the Bible says about Him.

5 Steps to Sound Doctrine (Even When Everyone Disagrees)

When Jeremiah delivered God’s Word, King Jehoiakim pulled out his penkife (Jeremiah 36:23). Page by page, he sliced it into the fire.

Today, many supposed Christians do the same. Which is more harmful? To attack God’s Word openly, or twist it while claiming to be its representative?

How to Understand the Bible More Clearly

Sometimes I worry that there are as many versions of “Christianity” as there are Christians. On matters of our faith, and especially on modern disputes, how can we understand the Bible more clearly?

When you see so many interpretations, you begin to wonder if it’s possible to know what the Bible even teaches about a given issue—until you actually read the Bible, that is.

Running with God’s Word: Yielding to the Character of God

Every July in Pamplona, 200 to 300 people go to the hospital for contusions and falling injuries. It is the famous “running of the bulls.”

How would it be to stand in that narrow Spanish street, seeing the stampede come at you? There are only two choices: you hide, or you join.

That’s what God’s word is like to us. Hebrews 4:12 calls it a double-edged sword, quick and powerful.

As Christians, we face a choice: will we dodge the oncoming force of the character of God? Will we miss the whole frightening thing, or will we choose to place ourselves directly in its path?