My Speaking Page

Welcome to my speaking page, and thanks for considering bringing me to your event.

As a worship leader and school teacher, I have significant experience connecting with audiences and motivating people to reflect and act. I will deliver a compelling talk, tailored to the needs of your audience. I love to engage people on the topics I am passionate about, including any topic covered at this blog.

About This Page

This page gives an overview of what I have to offer. You can click on the links below to take you directly to the relevant sections.

If you want to check my availability for your event, or if you have some questions before proceeding further, please click here:

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What You Can Expect

Here’s what to expect from me:

  1. Prompt replies to your email message and phone calls.
  2. A phone consultation before your event to help me learn what you and your audience need.
  3. Social media and blog announcements about your event (if you want this).
  4. An engaging and professional presentation designed to bring the results you want with your audience.
  5. A custom page at my blog for your attendees. It will include my slides and links to other helpful resources.
  6. A quick communication after the event to find out whether I met your expectations and any ideas for how I could improve.

A Little Bit About Me

I am experienced in speaking to diverse age groups, including children, teens, and adults of all life stages. I enjoy relating to people and letting my minister’s heart show.

Because of my years as a public school teacher, I am able to quickly gauge an audience and adapt to their context. I am experienced in managing group interactions, fielding difficult questions, and creating situations in which people listen to one another.

I now serve as a minister of music. My church experience has placed me in diverse roles, including preaching, leading choir rehearsals and song services, and teaching Bible lessons to youth and children.

Since 2014 I have blogged at If We Will Live, and since 2015 I have managed a blog network called Reason in View. It is composed of five authors who discuss mind and motivation from a Christian perspective.

My online platform also includes:


My books:

My first book Social Justice and Scripture will be available soon. A course on the material is already available here.


Recently I have also completed an extensive study on the conceptual passages of Scripture. The result is several unique resources—collections of the most important passages on the following topics:

  • Truth and Evidence
  • Goodness and Value
  • Righteousness and Virtue
  • Justice and Judgment

They are available for free, here:

Reason and Faith in the Gospels 2D copy

Here are some more details about me, personally:

I was saved at a young age when I prayed the sinner’s prayer and trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. I’m a Southern Baptist, and I believe whole-heartedly in the Baptist Faith and Message. I have a master’s degree in Worship Leadership from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I live in Louisville, KY.

Sasha and Ira 8.11.15

I’ve been happily married to my wife Sasha since 2010. We are originally from northern California and southern Oregon. We have a baby son named Ira Justice. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing songs, playing tennis, and exploring Louisville with my family.

My Speaking Topics

I’m prepared to speak on a range of topics including:

  • God’s Character
  • Gaining More from God’s Word
  • Worship Leadership
  • Worship Teams
  • Christian Leadership in Society
  • Building an Online Platform and Blog
  • Free Markets and Christianity
  • Reason and Faith

I will customize my presentation to meet your organization’s specific needs. My goal is to facilitate the outcome you want to create. I can present a keynote or a workshop. My topics include the following:

Learning to See God’s Goodness. In a day when God’s goodness is attacked, doubted, and misrepresented, Christians need to take a closer look at Scripture. We need to see for ourselves what God’s goodness means so we can have a deeper confidence in him. You’ll learn to approach Scripture with new eyes. It starts with a simple set of questions to bring to any passage, leading to a deeper understanding of God’s character.

Setting Your Heart on Scripture. What does God say about Who He is? Why we worship Him? How we flourish? Those who set their hearts on these “things of God” will be ready to obey Him despite any temptation or trial. Learn a glorious new perspective on God and life as you use these questions to prepare your own heart.

Leading Corporate Worship. You know how to play a guitar; your singing is fine too. But what else goes into being a worship leader? What choices should you be prayerfully considering? In this presentation you’ll learn the seven key traits of any successful worship leader, resulting in a broader vision for how to guide God’s people in worship.

Growing Your Praise Team. How do you lead volunteers in creating a quality worship service? What spiritual and technical abilities do they need to have? You’ll learn who should be on your teamand who shouldn’t beand what to do about both types. You’ll learn how to apply godly wisdom in training and shepherding the team God gives you.

The Christian Leader’s Landscape. Christians are deeply concerned about the fracturing of the American church, family, and society. In Scripture we do find solutions. Learn how you can speak the truth and create an impact in today’s intellectual environment. 

Christian Blogging: Zero to Sixty. Leaders should be writers. We know this; we all know we should be blogging. But who has the time? And the technical knowledge? You will be equipped to create your own online presence by a proven series of steps guaranteed to save you time and money. You’ll learn why an online platform matters and just what is possible when you have the right plan.

Free Markets and Christianity. What does Scripture say about government? Is there a Christian answer to our country’s political questions? Christians in America need to rediscover the country’s founding principles and search the Bible to see how these principles accord with God’s priorities. Scripture does not advocate a welfare state. Learn the Christian case for free markets, private property, rights, and liberty.

Reason and Faith in Scripture. Christians have long wrestled with the concept of faith. What is faith? Is it opposed to the senses and reason? Is it separate from them, or necessarily connected? Does God command faith apart from evidence, or faith upon evidence? I studied the four Gospels and Acts with an eye to this question. I’ll share what I discovered.

The Next Step

Thanks again for considering me for your event. You can take the next step by checking my availability. Just click on the link below. I will get back with you right away.


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